I was almost moved to tears by the new Take That single today it is that good. It's up there with Chelsea Dagger and Put For Hands Up For Detroit for the coveted SKNOB tune of the year award.
Anyway, I have been off the grid for far too long on account of moving house and believing BT's assurances that swapping my phone line and broadband to a house less than two hundred yards away would be a simple matter.
Anyhow, it's done and my sanity is restored.
Have you been watching the enviroporn that is Autumnwatch. We at Backroads Shack are addicted. Snicket thinks it's great that that bloke out of the Goodies's Dad is doing a programme about rutting. I just like Kate Humble.
Anyway, I have been commenting hither and thither and the normalish patchy service should now be resumed. However, in order to kick-start my re-emergence it's probably worth saying that MOST POPULAR BLOGS would never be so crass as to do something like that to boost their ratings.