Monday, June 07, 2004

art crisis

Probably a bloglite week coming up as I scoot around the country doing mundane things to pay bills. Gabriel's show at Wembley should brighten the corners a little... assuming the tickets arrive. The pc will spend the week at the doctors getting new power supply etc. The car is also getting new shoes.

Have stemmed the flow of alcohol into my bloodstream and whilst feeling somewhat better for it, find that I sleep like a log and struggle to get out of bed. My motivation is scarcely improved... still it's nearly weekend.

Now, I quite like Alias... daft as it is. It has amusing cameos, silly wigs and ludicrous plotlines. It just needs cheerleaders and it'll be pretty much perfect. 24 I've lost patience with and haven't watched the last five or six. Big Brother... not even interested any more but did catch a few minutes of utter victim Kitten doing something pointless. Enough.